3.1 First Steps with BPMN

- Events = Things that happen instantaneously.
- Start event = When an instance of the process start
- Represented by: circle with a thin border.
- ex. Purchase order received.
- End Event = When an instance of the process is complete.
- Represented by: circle with thick border.
- ex. Order fulfilled.
- Activities = Units of work that have a duration.
- Represented by: Rectangles with rounded of corners.
- ex. Confirm order / Emit invoice etc.
- Relation = Sequence: Activity A is followed by activity B.
- Represented by: Arrow with a full arrow head.
- ex. The arrow between Confirm Order and Get Shipment Address.
- Token = Identify the progress/state of a process instance.
- Represented by: Colored dot on top of a process model.
- ex. Red dot above the Ship Product activity
- ex. Black dot inside the start event.
- ex. Green dot between (is starting with the next activity) Receive Payment and Archive Order.
- Label = A name for an event or activity
- Use for:
- Start event: communicate what triggers/starts an instance of the process.
- End event: communicate the outcome of the process.
- Activity: Name what the activity does
- (Werkwoord, Bijvoeglijk Naamwoord, Zelfstandig Naamwoord, Toevoeging)
- Adjective and the complement can be used, but is not needed.
- Long labels will decrease readability of the model.
- Thumb rule: max 5 words (excluding the "glue" words (the, a, and, via etc.))
- Use words consistently (so no synonyms)
- Use meaningful and not ambiguous (dubbelzinnig) verbs ( to process > order fulfillment)
- ex. {Approve}+{}+{Order}+{} = Approve Order
- ex. {Issue}+{Driver}+{License}+{} = Issue Driver License
- ex. {Renew}+{Driver}+{License}+{via offline agencies} = Renew Driver License via offline agencies
Modeling Theory
- Model characteristics:
- Mapping: Create a model of the subject.
- Abstraction: Only use relevant aspects of the subject.
- Fit For Purpose: Creation of a blueprint to display the purpose of the subject.
- Target audience (for who are you making the model).
- ex. A buyer may want to see a wooden model, but an electrical engineer cant use it to design an electrical system.
- Purpose for modeling:
- Organizational design:
- Business oriented, used mainly for understanding and communication.
- Also benchmarking and improvement.
- For: Managers, Process owners and business analysts.
- Application system design:
- IT-oriented
- For: System Engineers and developers used for automation.
- Blueprints for software development.