5.3 Process Modeling Method

  • Modeling a process in the discovery phase via an predefined procedure.

STEP 1: Identify the process boundaries

  • GOAL: Essential for understanding the scope.

    • Has been partially done with the definition of a process architecture.
  • TODO: Identify events that trigger the processes.

  • TODO: Identify events that identify possible process outcomes.

STEP 2: Identify activities and events

  • GOAL: Identify the main activities of the process.

    • Advantage: Domain experts will be able to state what they are doing, even if they do not "know" they are part of a bigger process.
    • Documents might explicitly mention activities (ex. A set of work instructions).
    • When the model is getting too complex, focus only on the main activities and events.
  • TODO: Identify activities that take place within the process.

  • TODO: Identify intermediate events that take place within the process.

STEP 3: Identify resources and their handovers

  • GOAL: Identify resources and their handovers.

    • Who handles the activities and events.
      • Definition of pools and lanes.
      • Assignment of activities and events to a pool or lane.
    • Handover points are important so that the next worker knows what has been done.
      • Make assumptions explicit.
      • Identify parts of the process which can be studied in isolation from the rest.
  • TODO: Create pools and lanes.

  • TODO: Place events and activities in the correct pool/lane.
  • TODO: Define handover points (where is the work handed over to another resource).

STEP 4: Identify the control flow

  • GOAL: Create the control flow using gateways.

  • TODO: Create decision points ((X)OR-splits/joins) with their relevant conditions, where possible.

  • TODO: Create AND gateways where possible.
  • TODO: Create rework and repetitions using loop structures where possible.
  • TODO: Create message flows where information is exchanged between multiple pools/businesses.

STEP 5: Identify additional elements

  • GOAL: Capture the involved artifacts and exception handlers.

    • Additions of data elements and exceptions depends on the modeling purpose.
  • TODO: Add data objects, data stores and their relations to activities and events via data associations.